I joined the dbt Community in November 2021 after exchanging some issues in Github. I currently work as a staff engineer at a scaleup in the ad tech industry called Teads, which I joined 11 years ago as a new grad. I've been using dbt Core on BigQuery since then. I write about data engineering both on Medium and Substack. I contribute on dbt-bigquery. I wrote an article that was then featured on the Developer Blog called BigQuery ingestion-time partitioning and partition copy with dbt.
When did you join the dbt community and in what way has it impacted your career?
I joined the community in November 2021 as a way to explore how to move our in-house data modeling layer to dbt. The transition took over a year while we ensured we could cover all our bases and add missing features to dbt-bigquery. That project was one of stepping stones that helped me to move from senior to staff level at my current job.
What dbt community leader do you identify with? How are you looking to grow your leadership in the dbt community?
I identify with leaders that have strong convictions about how data engineering should move forward but remain open to innovation and ideas from everyone to bring the best to the field and make it as inclusive as possible to all cultures and profiles. I think that could mean people like Jordan Tigani or Mark Raasveldt. In the dbt community, my leadership has looked like helping people struggling and offering better ways to simplify one's day to day work when possible.
What have you learned from community members? What do you hope others can learn from you?
I read a lot of articles about dbt, especially when I got started with it. It helped me a lot to build a proper Slim CI that could fit my company's ways of working. I also got to see how data pipelines were done in other companies and the pros and cons of my approaches. I hope I can share more of that knowledge for people to pick what's best for their needs.